
Oakland Dairy runs a Donation Program every financial year so as to allow the business to give back to the community. For 2021, we have extended weekly milk donations to 10 NPOs that share our values of family and community.

These NPOs rely heavily on the like-minded kindness of businesses and people out there to do the much needed, hard work that they are doing within their communities. Please take a moment to read their short bios and do not hesitate to reach out to them should you feel inclined to extend a helping hand.

End-Time Harvest Community Organisation

End-Time Harvest Community Organisation is an NPO spearheaded by Bishop Henry and Ps Astrid Mitchell, that has been actively involved in the Ruyterwacht community and surrounding areas. They host informational and recreational programs together with partners, such as their Community Police Forum and KLM Arts Program, and run various feeding schemes in an effort to uplift their local community. Their mission can quite simply be outlined as follows: End-Time Harvest Community Organisation aims to a) establish a sense of affirmation and belonging within their community, b) promote unity, spiritual and social welfare within the community, and c) enhance skills development amongst the people in their local community and so doing enhance their self-confidence and self-worth.

The Community Organisation Resource Centre (CORC)

The Community Organisation Resource Centre (CORC), founded in 2002, is an NPO that supports the social, strategic and administrative practices of two social movements, namely The Federation of the Urban and Rural Poor (FEDUP) and the Informal Settlement Network (ISN). CORC provides support in the practices of savings, data collection, peer to peer learning, the people housing projects, livelihood creation and engaging with government and other stakeholders in the urban space. CORC’s mission is to support poor communities that are willing and able to help themselves.

Sylvia Frank House

Sylvia Frank House is a foster home registered by the Department of Social Development. Her initial goal was to provide a haven for emergency childcare services as well as to raise the children, placed permanently in her care by the courts, to adulthood. She has helped more than 80 children entrusted to her for emergency care and has been raising 10 children, who live with her at home. These children are permanent placements at her home and have become her family as she strives to continue supporting them as they grow into young adults.

Pumpkin Ministries

Pumpkin Ministries is a safe house registered with the Department of Social Development (DSD) as well as a Section 21 NPC company. They work closely with other registered safe houses in their community to foster children and provide safe environments for children in emergency situations, as well as working with different departments of the DSD. They provide weekly food parcels to their network of safe houses and take care of their current household of 8 children.

Iliso Care Society

Iliso Care Society is a registered NPO that operates in and around Khayelitsha. The organisation runs a daycare centre that caters to the welfare and needs of about 70 learners. Aside from the work they do at this centre, they also assist 14 other daycare centres with food parcels. Alongside the daycare centre, they also run a feeding scheme in which they provide breakfast and lunch for approximately 550 beneficiaries through the help of donations from family foundations and individuals.

Baitul Ansaar Child and Youth Care Centre

Baitul Ansaar Child and Youth Care Centre was established in April 2008 by the Al Ansaar Charitable Foundation. It is a temporary safe care centre for abused, abandoned, neglected, and orphaned children. Their goal is to provide a service that will contribute to the process of social change and development for all children who have lost their parents, in a manner that is holistic and well formulated. They endeavour to establish a stable and caring family environment for the children in their care to allow them a space of safety, love and warmth. Together with the care centre, Baitul Ansaar also runs a community soup kitchen on alternative days for the community of Beacon Valley and surrounding areas.